St. James Solar
Energy Center

St. James Parish, Louisiana

Powering Louisiana with Clean Energy from the Sun

Learn About Our Project

The St. James Solar Energy Center is a proposed hub for new clean energy projects to deliver cost-effective electricity to Louisiana residents. The St. James Solar Energy Center will have the potential to power tens of thousands of homes with clean, reliable, renewable energy.

The St. James Solar Energy Center consists of one operational solar energy facility and a planned expansion project, which is currently under development. The projects have been developed to efficiently use the available land while expanding local investment, increasing property taxes and creating new construction jobs in St. James Parish.

D. E. Shaw Renewable Investments (DESRI) is the developer, owner, and operator of the 20-Megawatt St. James Project, which began commercial operations in 2023. DESRI has partnered with Entergy Louisiana to propose the expansion facility, SJ Louisiana Solar. All of the St. James Solar Energy Center will interconnect to the electric grid at the nearby Entergy substation, with anticipated commercial operations for SJ Louisiana in 2027.

The facility is expected to produce major economic benefits with minimal environmental impacts:

  • The project is expected to generate over $154 million in taxes, fees, and donation over its life:
    • Over $67.5 million to the St. James Parish Government
    • Over $61.5 million to the St. James Parish School Board
    • Over $25.6 million to the St. James Parish Sheriff’s Office
  • In the first ten years, the project will generate over $66 million in taxes, fees, and donations
  • Over the 2-year construction period, the project will generate over $13.1 million in sales tax
  • Annual inspection fees, totaling over $13 million over the life of the project
  • $4.67 million in additional Community Benefits
  • Clean energy generation with zero emissions
  • 1,000-foot setbacks along boundaries with roads and residences
  • Vegetative screening to minimize any visual impacts from roads and residences
  • No odors, smokestacks, or hazardous material

The St. James Solar team is committed to answering questions and addressing any concerns from the community. You can contact us here.